James Potter: The bravest things he ever did remained secret


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He is known as the father of Harry Potter, but what James Potter should be known for are secrets that are only known to a select few and the reader.

In the world of Harry Potter, everyone is known for something significant. Dumbledore is known for defeating Grindelwald, Mad-Eye Moody is known as the famous Auror and Professor Lockhart is known for his charming smile. James Potter, however, while known for much amongst his close friends, was only ever really known as the father of Harry Potter.

Yet James Potter did many great things, but even his closest friends, those who knew him since his time at Hogwarts, and even the love of his life, Lily, didn’t know all of the truly brave and selfless acts he carried out. No one really knows all of them, except us, the reader.

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From his time at Hogwarts, when he roamed the grounds as one of the Mauraders, to his young adult life, when he stood up and decided to fight against the evil plaguing the wizarding world, to being a husband and father, where he sadly met his end. James Potter did something brave that only the reader knows the full story.

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So let’s look at the ones we know, and spend some time appreciating the man, known mostly for being the father of the boy who lived, and look at some of the amazing brave things he did, that he never sought recognition for.

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When he became an Animagus for Lupin

No doubt, there was a part of James Potter that was excited about becoming an Animagus. That schoolboy attitude of, “this is the coolest thing ever,” but while he probably was excited, he was probably just as frightened as well.

Just think about it for a moment. They were illegally becoming an Animagus. Why was it illegal? Because it was so dangerous.

So much could have gone wrong, from something mild, like creating a horrible tasting potion, to something far worse, like cooking up a batch of poison. And all of them, not just James, but Sirius and Peter as well, would have been aware of this. Somewhere, in the back of their heads, there would have been this little voice saying, “we could end up killing ourselves here.”

And even if they did succeed, they ran the risk of Azkaban. If they were caught as an unregistered Animagus, it could have led them straight to the Wizarding Prison.

Yet, despite all the risks, they still went through with it. Because Lupin was their friend, and he needed them. So it was worth the risk.

And no one knew, apart from the Mauraders, no one knew the brave act James, and the other Marauders carried out.

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Saving Snape

James Potter and Severus Snape were enemies; there is no doubt about that. They were the prequel version of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.

So you would think that if James had had the chance to rid himself of his mortal enemy he would have taken it, provided the circumstances were right. James indeed had that chance with Snape, but decided the right thing to do was to save him.

We learned this in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, while James and Snape were at Hogwarts. Now you could argue that James was not saving Snape, but was instead saving Sirius from committing an act that could see him off to Azkaban, and that’s fair, I can see that.

More: 7 Severus Snape facts you might not be aware of

But even if you want to take that position, it doesn’t change the fact that James was brave when saving Snape. Whether it was to save Snape or save Sirius, he still put himself in harm’s way. The act itself was brave and there is really no denying that.

Once again though, an act of bravery that nobody knew about, except those directly involved. Once again, a moment that could define James for the rest of his life, is buried and left to die.

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Joining the Order of the Phoenix

Choosing to join the Order of the Phoenix would have been no easy thing. We would all like to think that we would join such an Order to fight evil when required, but would we?

Remember the photo of the original Order that Sirius showed Harry? Do you remember how many who joined the Order ended up being killed by either Voldemort or his followers?

You were signing your death warrant by joining.

Every member of the Order of the Phoenix was brave, every single one of them. And James was one such member, and I don’t think any of us were surprised when we learned this, as this was who he was, a brave individual.

Again though, another moment, another life-defining moment for James that only those involved would know about. Only those who were unable to not speak of their involvement knew what James and so many others had decided to do.

You would have thought that after the Great Wizarding War, people would have learned about James and the other members of the Order, but nobody did. Or if they did, they didn’t feel it was important enough to remember him by.

For he was still just known as the dad of Harry Potter.

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Not having his wand when Voldemort came for them

The death of Lily and James Potter is always told with the greatest amount of sadness, and admiration. A tale of how Lord Voldemort cut down the Potter’s, before turning his wand on baby Harry Potter.

Of course, we all know how it goes, Voldemort goes for the kill, only for the spell to rebound off Harry thanks to protective charm that Lily had given him by sacrificing her life. Voldemort then disappeared, ya, de, da, de, da; Harry Potter is now the boy who lived, and the books explain the rest.

What is just glanced over, and most importantly, what nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody knows except for us, is how James Potter went head to head with Voldemort, wandless.

He faced off, against the darkest Wizard of them all, without his wand.

James probably knew, from the moment Voldemort entered the room, that he was dead. That there was no chance, even with his wand, of him coming out of this alive. But instead of running, instead of ducking for cover, he gave Lily and Harry what they needed. TIme. He gave them time to run.

He told them to run, that he would hold him off, knowing he had no way to defend himself. James Potter stared death in the face and did not flinch.

It was the last, and bravest thing he ever did, and nobody knew. Not even Lily.

Next. Important inspirational moments from Harry Potter. dark

James Potter did some questionable things, but in the end, he was one the bravest people ever to live.