The Harry Potter Pensieve experience was incredibly depressing


Maybe don’t choose Harry Potter if you’re going to ever do the pensieve experience from Audible. I almost cried multiple times going through it.

As someone who has loved the character of Harry Potter for years, I thought that it would be a smart choice to choose him at the pensieve experience. First, that was a mistake. Second, I cried in public.

Basically, you pick a character and relive aspects of their story. The problem with picking Harry is that the clips were poignant parts of his life. Those moments weren’t exactly him playing Quidditch for the first time or kissing Cho Chang.

In fact, the first thing I heard was “Does it hurt?” and I started to cry. From there, it only got worse. From Harry begging Dumbledore to let Voldemort kill him so he could be with Sirius to asking why Quirrell couldn’t touch him, every Harry snippet reminded us of the life he had to lead before “all was well”.

Even the happier memory wasn’t that happy because it was Ron and Hermione telling Harry that they weren’t going to let him go after the horcruxes by himself. So sure, knowing that Harry had friends who would do anything for him was sweet but still, it was about preparing to basically go on a suicide mission.

Couldn’t they include him getting his wand or riding the train? Just something somewhat happy?

Next. Jamie Parker brought up both Sirius Black and Remus Lupin at NYCC. dark

Harry might not be the happiest character to choose but the entire set up was pretty amazing! You got to take a picture with a wand and live in the memories of our favorite witches and wizards! Hopefully, it will be available to the general public but, if not, you can get the audiobooks from Audible!