Aquaman extended trailer gives us even more humor and action to look forward to


The Aquaman extended trailer is here and not only do we get more of Jason Momoa’s titular character in action alongside Amber Heard’s Mera, but also more humor.

We have a new Aquaman trailer, and while it is just an extended cut of things we have seen before, it still gives us even more to appreciate when it comes to the future king of Atlantis.

Not only do we get to see more of the desert adventure that Aquaman/Arthur Curry and Mera head out on in order to get their hands on a powerful trident, but we also get to see more of Nicole Kidman’s character as well.

However, as comic fans, perhaps the greatest moment was seeing the upgraded version of Aquaman’s comic costume flash on the screen. Even though James Wan has been asked about this costume repeatedly, he refused to spill the beans on if we would be seeing the classic suit that has even been appearing on some of the figurines for the movie.

It turns out, all we needed to do was wait for the extended trailer. And it was worth the wait! Getting to see Jason Momoa proudly stand with a trident in hand in front of a waterfall was an epic way to bring the entire trailer together, especially with Mera being heard telling Aquaman that Atlantis needs more than a king. They need a hero.

And we aren’t the only ones who recognize what a big deal all of this is. At the DC Spotlight on Geoff Johns panel at New York Comic Con, Johns himself told the world how he felt about this character and universe.

As the comic writer and DC Entertainment President and CCO explained, “I think Aquaman, much like Wonder Woman, is very much his own character and in his own world… Each DC character has their own tone. Like with Wonder Woman, hopefully people will meet a character they know and don’t know.”

But that’s not all, Geoff Johns even pointed out that we are getting the chance to be reintroduced to these characters in a way that will give us an entirely new appreciation for them. And not only do we have James Wan, Geoff Johns and the rest of the DCEU to thank for that, but also Jason Momoa who is helping to give the world an entirely new appreciation for the character.

As Johns said at the panel, “Standing next to Jason Momoa is like standing next to a superhero.”

In the trailer, we definitely love seeing more of Kidman as not only Arthur’s mother, but also as a powerful woman of Atlantis. This trailer gives us a glimpse of a woman who was not only loved, but also loved her son and his father. And even as she was a woman in love, she was also a queen. The scene in which she takes on intruders looking to bring her back to Atlantis, before making the sacrifice to leave her family, is epic and worthy of a hero.

Then there is the scene with Mera and Aquaman where they find the hidden temple in the desert which will lead them to the trident they need. Here we get to witness more of our hero’s wit and humor, even as he also reminds us that he knows things about the world and its history. From the reminder that the Sahara was not always a desert, to joking that if water was needed to activate the hidden message in the temple all they needed was to pee, this scene gives us so much more depth than before.

The trailer also gives us more of Black Manta, which is a great reminder that there are actually multiple battles that need to be fought. It is not just King Orm that Aquaman is coming up against in his solo movie, but also the supervillain who has long been an archenemy of our hero in the comics.

So not only do we have an amazing movie to look forward to with a lot of action and characters that some of us already know, but we are also getting humor and adventure, as well as visual effects that will stun and amaze. And what’s not to love about all of this?

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Aquaman hits theaters on Dec. 21, and now we have plenty of footage to dissect as we wait.