18 women candidates to watch for the 2018 midterms

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12. Xochitl Torres Small (D)

State: New Mexico
Race: 2nd District
Platform highlights: Like many of her Democratic colleagues, Torres Small states that her constituents and other Americans should have access to high quality, affordable healthcare. She specifically uses this point to include her desire to lower the cost of medications, improve care at VA hospitals for veterans, and improve the Medicare system. Given that she is running in a relatively rural district, Torres Small has also pointed out the need for high-quality healthcare in rural, dispersed communities.

Torres Small also advocates for a strong public education system, improved protections for public lands, and better funding for student access to technology and English language learning programs.

Why you should watch out for her: Torres Small, the granddaughter of Mexican immigrants, could be making strong connections with Hispanic voters. That’s significant, given that New Mexico’s 2nd District is the most Hispanic congressional district in the country’s most Hispanic state. Though the 2nd District has historically voted in favor of Republican candidates, the growing Hispanic and Latino population there, as elsewhere, could spell strong support for Democrats.

Torres Small is running against conservative Yvette Herrell. This makes the 2nd District election especially unique, given that it is the rare federal-level election in which two women are major party candidates. Regardless of who wins, this district will have a female representative for the first time in its history.

Campaign website: www.xochforcongress.com