18 women candidates to watch for the 2018 midterms

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17. Angie Craig (D)

State: Minnesota
Race: 2nd District
Platform highlights: Like many other Democrats in competitive elections, Craig is focusing heavily on healthcare. She’s pushing for accessible, affordable medical care, with the ultimate goal of universal health coverage. Craig has also included veterans’ healthcare in this category.

Craig has also called for greater environmental protections, an updated national security policy that focuses on diplomacy, and support for immigration programs such as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

Why you should watch out for her: If elected, Craig would be the first openly gay representative from the state of Minnesota. Craig has been leaning into her personal story as well, including her rise from an Arkansas trailer park to an executive position at a medical supply company.

This election will also likely be a competitive one. Craig will be facing off against first-term incumbent Jason Lewis (R). Given the state of the race just two years ago, this is almost certain to be interesting.

This is actually Craig’s second time running. Her first attempt, in 2016, got her close to winning this seat. However, as polished as she was and as well funded as her campaign proved to be, Craig lost by a mere two points to Lewis. It was an election night surprise that shocked her supporters and opponents alike. Now, with what appears to be a building Democratic wave, could Craig secure a victory?

For his part, Lewis has made himself somewhat infamous by his arch-conservative, Trump-friendly politics. Is he now too conservative for his district?

Campaign website: www.angiecraig.com