18 women candidates to watch for the 2018 midterms

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18. Kristen Carlson (D)

State: Florida
Race: Representative, 15th District
Platform highlights: If she wins, Carlson would be a relatively rare Democratic voice in a generally red state (though, with growing populations in more liberal urban areas, Florida may turn more purple in the coming years). Her campaign focused on her previous work with the Florida Department of Citrus. While there, Carlson targeted “orange juice adulterators,” out-of-state manufacturers who used shady practices to undercut competition.

As such, much of Carlson’s campaign has focused on “economic fairness.” This includes protecting and potentially expanding access to affordable healthcare and agricultural reform. That doesn’t just mean Florida’s orange growers, though they are economically important parts of the state’s economy. Carlson has promised to protect the agricultural industry via securing funding for research, ensuring a regulated and safe food supply, as well as better access to foreign markets.

Carlson has also stated her belief in climate change, and politicians’ responsibility for responding to the issue. In addition, she supports immigration reform in support of immigrants, better support for public education, and increased gun control.

Why you should watch out for her: First-time candidate Kristen Carlson was something of a surprise, having defeated favored candidate and Navy veteran Andrew Learned in the Democratic party primary.

Florida’s 15th district has a strong history of Republican representation. However, with the recent retirement of Rep. Dennis Ross, Democrats have targeted the race. Meanwhile, GOP fundraising for this seat has fizzled. But will that be enough to secure her win as she competes with Republican candidate Ross Spano in November?

Campaign website: www.kristencarlsonforcongress.com