12 books you should read this fall based on your zodiac sign

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If you’re having trouble deciding which new release to pick up this fall, you can always just let your zodiac sign decide.

Fall is, hands down, one of the best times of year for book lovers — and it isn’t just because we get to complement our current reads with pumpkin spice lattes. This season also tends to have some of the best book releases, and who doesn’t love picking up a shiny, new book when the weather starts getting cooler?

Sometimes, the number of hyped books coming out during the fall can be overwhelming. There’s no way you can read all of them in just a few months, so how do you choose which novels to pick up and which ones to save for later? With your never-ending TBR pile, you might never get to the ones you pass on.

Well, readers, why not let the stars decide your next read? You can use the personality traits of your zodiac sign to figure out which fall release best suits you. And come on, who likes making decisions? Now, you won’t have to.

Here are 12 books to read this fall, each organized by which zodiac sign it best fits.