What does it mean to love the Harry Potter series for all these years?


It is easy to be a fan of something but what does it mean to have loved the Harry Potter series for as long as we all have without ever giving up on it?

While it is easy to remember picking up Harry Potter for the first time, we might not have always stayed loyal to the series. Growing up, there may have been times when we stopped loving it or ‘didn’t care’ as much because we were too cool for it.

Or maybe we kept on reading just as we always had, dedicated to Harry, Ron, and Hermione as if they were right there beside us to keep us company. Whatever the case may be, it is fun to take a look at the series and back at our own individual journeys with it.

Sure, it would be nice to say that we all stayed true to our love of the series and never stopped once while reading the series for the first time or now. But that isn’t true for a good majority of us. Admittedly, I went through a phase in high school where I thought I was too cool for Harry Potter. Obviously, I was wrong, but the point still remains.

It is a series that means so much to us that it grew with us. Whether we had a rebellious phase or not, Harry and his friends were always there for us in the end.

dark. Next. Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively are fans of the Harry Potter series!

Did your love of the Harry Potter series ever waiver? Do you still love it just as much as you did as a kid? Sound off in the comment below and share what Harry Potter means to you. We all came together because of this series and it is so much fun to hear your stories!