Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
Capricorns are tenacious and relentless when it comes to getting something they want. However, if it becomes apparent they’re fighting a losing battle, they will cut and run with an uncanny quickness. They have a low tolerance for futility, and consider themselves problem-solvers of the highest order. They should watch shows with protagonists that are equally as determined as they are, and who are made of the toughest stuff out there.
Watch these shows if you’re a Capricorn:
Veep: There is not one person on the planet that can argue Selena Meyer’s committment to her own agenda. She never gives up or in, for that matter, and her dogged determination can sometimes be to her own detriment. Capricorns will recognize this in her and perhaps root for her even harder.
Ray Donovan: Liev Schrieber’s portrayal of the title character is unrelenting, tough as steel, and would be the most formidable enemy to those who oppose him. Capricorns fancy him as their poster child, even though he can be coldly withholding and rigid.
Billions: These characters are slimy and detestable, but they get the job done. Set in the finance world of New York City, it showcases the worst of humanity’s greed and corruption. Although Capricorns don’t consider themselves unethical, they enjoy watching a good scheme when it works out how it was supposed to.
Divorce: This show will appeal to some Capricorn’s softer side. It’s recently divorced characters aren’t made of iron like the others on this list, but seagoat viewers will connect with their steadfast search to find happiness.