20 Star Wars locations you can visit in real life

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Plaza de Espana, Spain

Say what you want about Anakin, but the boy really knows how to work a poncho, even when the Spanish sun is beating down on him.

Indeed, he can be spotted wearing his trusty poncho as he walks across the Plaza de Espana in Seville, accompanying Padmé back to the palace before they fatefully go into hiding in Attack of the Clones.

The plaza doubles up as the Naboo capital, Theed, keeping up the planet’s Mediterranean vibes, since, as we’ve discussed, the majority of the planet’s scenes were filmed in Italy.

The plaza, designed by Aníbal González, was built in 1929 to exhibit Spain’s industry and technology in the Ibero-American Exposition’s World Fair. It is now mostly surrounded by government buildings, much like Theed, and can also be spotted in David Lean’s Lawrence of Arabia, when Seville was used to represent the cities of Cairo, Jerusalem and Damascus.

It also has five full stars on TripAdvisor, with visitors describing it as “stunning” and comparing it to something from a fairy tale.

To be enjoyed at its best, however StarWars.com recommends visiting the plaza in the spring, when it is less warm. Indeed, Anakin’s commitment to his poncho is even more notable due to the fact that temperatures in Seville are at their warmest around the time the scene was filmed in early September.

Fortunately for everyone, including Hayden Christensen, the poncho is nowhere near as oppressive as Anakin’s later choice (is it a choice?) of metal attire, so at least there’s that.

With that, you’re able to go around the world and still get your Star Wars fix. May the Force be with you in your travels.