5 of our favorite moments from Trolls: The Beat Goes On! season 3


Time to leave your worries behind and put your hair up in the air because season 3 of Trolls: The Beat Goes On! is available to stream on Netflix, and we couldn’t be more excited.

It’s been two years since DreamWorks Animation’s Trolls debuted in theaters. Since then, they’ve announced a pop-up attraction for October and a sequel scheduled to be released on April 17, 2020. But the fun doesn’t stop there because the animated series that follows Poppy, Branch, and the rest of the gang’s adventures keeps the party going with a brand new season.

While singing and dancing along, we gathered up some of our favorite moments from season 3.

Discovering the imposter

Things get a little suspicious when the colorful cast stumble upon a chest filled with masks and costumes in the middle of the forest. Branch is quick to state the obvious: there’s an imposter dressing up and pretending to be just like them.

After pulling on everyone’s hair (ouch!), Poppy finally has the imposter in hand. She removes mask after mask until we discover the person behind it all. It turns out the mischievous pretender is a Troll-sized creature, a party-crashing distant cousin of the Bergen. This spells out trouble for Troll Village, but it’s also an interesting way to shake things up and introduce a new character into the mix.


Smidge is one of the funniest Trolls around, but she’s also rough around the edges. When she develops a crush on the critter-narian (that’s Troll for “veterinarian”), she tries to tone down her temperament and any other exaggerated traits to help win him over.

She soon learns that she shouldn’t have to change herself, especially to get someone else’s attention or affection. Smidge is perfectly fine the way she is. Her coming to that realization is a great moment in the season and a great lesson to pass onto the show’s younger viewers.

Keith’s story time

In an effort to befriend Archer, the imposter who was captured earlier in the season, Poppy thinks it’s a good idea to bond with him by sharing stories. The first couple of attempts don’t work out as planned. That’s when Kevin enters the picture.

Kevin is a young Troll with a crazy imagination, so when he starts telling his story, he’s actually successful in capturing Archer’s attention. The story takes Kevin’s imagined character up to outer space and into a Star Wars-like setting, complete with an “I am your father” joke. The moment just proves once again that kids have the funniest and best imaginations.

Trolls: The Beat Goes On! production still. Image via Netflix.

Best Friends

It’s easy to see how Poppy and Branch deeply care for each other. They’re best friends in every way and they look out for each other all the time. So it’s no surprise that Poppy goes above and beyond to recreate the cake that Branch’s grandma used to make him when he was a child.

She goes as far as to put her own life in danger to grab one last ingredient. Branch comes to her aid just in time, but she refuses to give up. To try and get some sense into her, he says, “I can live without the cake. I can’t live without my best friend.” If that isn’t the sweetest thing, we don’t know what is.

Living in the moment

Guy Diamond is desperate to experience one of Nova Swift’s out-of-this-world pop-up parties. She is the coolest of the cool, and to experience one of her shindigs, you have to be at the right place at the right time. It’s giving Guy and his friends a serious case of FOMO-OPUP (fear of missing out on pop-up parties).

In trying to guess where Nova’s pop-up party will be next, Guy ends up missing out on the present and the things that truly matter. He eventually comes to realize that he should be FLITM (fully living in the moment). It’s a lesson we should all take to heart more often. And you never know, a pop-up party might happen when you least expect it.

dark. Next. 6 animated projects we can’t wait to see in the second half of 2018

Season 3 is just as wonderful and entertaining as the previous seasons, but this one left us in a cliffhanger. How will the Trolls find a way to stop the party-crashing creatures from ruining Troll Village? We can’t wait to find out what happens next, but until then, what were your favorite moments from season 3?