10 most used phrases in The 100 and what they mean

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The 100 — “The Calm” — Image: HU111a_0239 — Pictured (L-R): Isaiah Washington as Chancellor Jaha and Henry Ian Cusick as Kane — Photo: Katie Yu/The CW — © 2014 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved

From “whatever the hell we want” to “may we meet again,” we explore the most used phrases over The 100’s five seasons.

One of the things The CW’s The 100 has been praised for over the years is the emotional and impactful dialogue and the intense language-heavy scenes, but what are the most commonly used phrases on the show?

As The 100 possibly prioritizes the speaking scenes over action, what I believe the show has always done best in regards to this is the memorable recurring lines and mottos. This is because these words carry so much weight and significance for the characters and the story. These phrases have become so well used and allow for in-depth sub textual conversations to occur on the show without a huge amount of words being said, and without the phrases being overused.

Having a group of repeated sentences has many benefits as it keeps the viewer enticed, keeps the exchanges interesting and symbolizes so much more in terms of the atmosphere on the show and the themes of community.

Alternatively, the use of these repeated sentences can sometimes occur in a chanting rhythm or be believed in at a level close to a brainwashed cult, which represents the desperation the show has explored throughout the last five seasons.

But what are these phrases and how deep do they root themselves in the show?