25 of the most heartbreaking TV finales that make us cry every time

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Watching the Braverman family was something that brought tears and happiness to our lives. Parenthood knew how to bring such joy and sadness all in one episode. Which is why the finale was so poignant.

Zeek, the father of the Braverman children, eventually dies. Prior to his death, we see him giving away Sarah at her wedding to Hank (that is after he admits that she’s his favorite child), and see him genuinely enjoying his family for one last time.

Parenthood brought the complex natures of family and relationships to the forefront of television. While it wasn’t the first show to focus on a family, it was one of the few that showed the struggles many families have with their relationships with each other and what happens when new loves come into their lives.

The finale was a rollercoaster of highs and lows, mixed with Sarah’s wedding and the birth of a new baby for Joel and Julia, the show made sure to balance it out with Zeek’s death. The theme song for the show was “Forever Young” by Bob Dylan, and to see the song used at the scattering of Zeek’s ashes was both beautiful and heartbreaking — making the finale one of the most beautiful ends to a television show yet.