25 of the most heartbreaking TV finales that make us cry every time

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New Girl

The finale of New Girl was bittersweet because the show should have ended much sooner than it did. Watching the death of a show you once loved is never easy, and the show dragged on for seasons, all but ruining characters and tarnishing jokes that once were so funny to us all.

When Fox ordered eight more episodes of the show after the showrunners already wrapped everything up, fans knew that the final season was going to be something else. Whether that was good or bad, we had to wait and see.

The problem was the love we had for Jess and her friends was gone. We saw what we wanted and that was all we needed. So the next eight episodes were there and part of the series but there wasn’t any draw for the audience to continue watching.

When Jess and Nick were being evicted in the final episode, the walk down memory lane did more to remind fans of the show we all loved than any of the previous episodes of the season. It felt like a finale and wrapped things up and even showed our favorite characters as real adults with babies!

Too bad New Girl didn’t end when it should have, because it would have upheld itself as a classic comedy. Instead, we see it as going on for too long and ruining a show we all loved.