Harry Potter spells are not easy to pronounce, Hermione taught us that, but you would have thought we would have figured out Seamus’ water turn to rum spell by now.
Seamus trying to turn water into rum is by far one of the most quotable spells in Harry Potter. There are a lot of reasons for that, it’s certainly a funny moment seeing Seamus blow himself up over and over again and all the adults were secretly wishing they could pull this spell off themselves.
However, despite it being so popular and well known, we have been apparently pronouncing it all wrong.
And if it is true, if we have been pronouncing it wrong then its pretty embarrassing; because unlike Hermione and her famous Wingardium Leviosa lesson for Ron, which, when you think about, was an easy mistake to make.
"“It’s LeviOsa, not LeviosAR!”"
Getting Seamus’ water to rum spell wrong is pretty bad, especially since we are only noticing it now.
As far as we all know, it goes like this:
"“Eye of rabbit, Harpring hum, turn this water into rum.”"
But apparently it is meant to be like this:
"“Eye of rabbit, harp string hum, turn this water into rum.”"
Have we got it wrong though? I honestly don’t think we have, I think the way we have been pronouncing it for so long is the right way. But, it is possible that we have been. I think, just like with Wingardium Leviosa, how we pronounce it is how hear it.
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Think about it for a moment, if Hermione hadn’t explained how to pronounce the spell properly. How many of you would have said LeviosAR, rather than LeviOsa?
What we need is a mediator. We need the wonderful J.K. Rowling to step in and tell us how to pronounce it properly.
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So, if by chance you are reading this J.K. Rowling, and if you are, “hello, big fan, can’t believe your reading this,” then please, help us out. How do you pronounce Seamus’ famous Water to Rum spell?
What do you think is it “Harping” or “Harp String?” Share what you are thinking by dropping a comment below.