New Harry Potter book cover shirts has us all wanting more merch!


If you’re on Instagram, you may have seen the special ads for Harry Potter fans with new shirts and it makes us want all the merchandise out there!

Harry Potter has a lot of merchandise out there in the world. Whether it is wands or jackets or robes, there is an abundance of merch out for us to get and we want it all. Lately, Instagram has been targetting us fans with amazing shirts based on the covers of the books.

Obviously, it is part of an ad campaign but still, it brings up the question of what wouldn’t Potter fans buy? At this point, most of us own quite a lot of Harry Potter shirts. (I’m currently wearing one while writing this).

If it says Hogwarts, Gryffindor, Moony, or any other kind of reference to the series, we’re in. Look at it this way, between the theme parks, the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child store and the regular Potter gear out there, most of us could have an entire wardrobe with references to our favorite series.

These new shirts are just making us want to have a different Harry Potter top for every day of the week. (Get it? Because there are 7 books!) Would we all love to dress like our favorite characters or with shirts repping our houses all of the time? Yes, of couse we would, but our closets and our wallets probably don’t need more Harry Potter stuff to buy.

Still though, those book cover shirts are amazing and it is so nice to see new Potter merchandise still coming out!

Next. What does Harry Potter returning to theaters mean for fans of the series?. dark

What is your favorite bit of Harry Potter merch? Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you love!