Mark Hamill wishes his “son” Sebastian Stan happy birthday


To the delight of fans, Mark Hamill wished Sebastian Stan a happy birthday, keeping the joke alive that Stan is his son.

The internet joke that Sebastian Stan is secretly Mark Hamill’s son was alive and well today on Twitter. Stan turned 36 today and fans all over were sending their birthday wishes over Instagram, Twitter, and beyond. There was one especially notable birthday tweet, however, from Mark Hamill himself.

In the tweet, Hamill wonders if Sebastian is really his son since he never hears from him, just like he never hears from his own kids. Come on, you all, give your old man a call sometime!

Fans have been talking about the fun resemblance for a while now, and Stan and Hamill have joked about it as well. Sebastian even talked about the joke on one of his Good Morning America appearances several months ago, and, last September, Hamill tweeted about the resemblance and threw in a Star Wars connection for good measure. Overall, the back and forth between the two of them about this whole father/son thing has been a delight for fans.

It’s ridiculously cute that Hamill remembered Sebastian today on his birthday, and the personalized message and accompanying picture were extra adorable as well as a little sassy. Gotta love that Mark Hamill charm.

Hamill’s son, Nathan, was in on the joke, too, and he even changed his name on Twitter to “Sebastian Stan’s Older Brother.”

As many of us know, much to our dismay, Sebastian Stan is not on Twitter but regularly uses his Instagram account. When Hamill posted the same post on Instagram, Sebastian responded by saying, “This is so generous. When are we HAVING LUNCH??”

Related Story. The internet changed Sebastian Stan's dad to Mark Hamill on Google. light

This is just too cute! We hope that the two of them do end up meeting up for lunch sometime soon, even if Sebastian is currently in Greece filming an upcoming movie. We would love to see some pictures of the two of them together hanging out like father and son.