Aquaman will not be getting help from his Justice League companions


When Aquaman hits theaters in December, fans will not be seeing other members of the Justice League coming to his aid, as this will be a true standalone.

Some of the best parts of 2017’s Justice League came from characters like The Flash and Aquaman. In fact, their performances were enough to get us excited for the solo movies for these characters.

With Aquaman just a few months away, we have finally gotten a lot more information and hints about what we can expect to see. Thanks to trailers, set photos, and interviews with the film’s director and cast, we also know a bit more about who and what we will meet in the solo movie.

Now, according to Entertainment Weekly and director James Wan, we know that even though Aquaman has previously worked with the other members of the Justice League, he will be on his own in the solo movie. Well, he will still have help, but it won’t come from someone like Batman, Superman, or Wonder Woman.

Rather than focus on other DC heroes and characters, the focus in Aquaman is going to be on Arthur Curry. As James Wan explained, “I wanted to keep the story to the world of Aquaman and not have to worry about what other characters are doing in their films and how that would affect us.”

This means that Aquaman is going to have to carry his story. There won’t be cameos to rely on, and instead, all of the focus is going to be on our central hero. And honestly, we are happy to hear this.

Bringing in another member of the Justice League seems cheap and like it would be a distraction. This is our chance to really get to know Aquaman and see how he stands out on his own.

Considering how often the underwater hero has been the butt of jokes, having the attention on him in his solo movie makes perfect sense. We want Aquaman to prove that he is more than a joke; he is a king. Arthur Curry isn’t just a man who can “talk to fish,” he is a hero with powers that can save the world and its people (which he has already proven once).

We know that Aquaman is a part of the DCEU, and so does James Wan. But that doesn’t mean that every movie has to include another member of the extended universe. Just like Wonder Woman proved, giving the attention to the hero at the core of the film is the most important aspect of telling these superheroes’ stories.

Aquaman is part of the larger DC family, but telling his story means making sure he take center stage. And thanks to James Wan that is exactly what we are getting.

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Even if Warner Bros. and the DCEU includes a cameo of another member of the Justice League in the mid-credit or end credit scenes, it still allows Aquaman a chance to shine and show the world that he is a hero worthy of respect.