Harry Potter went through some major hairstyle changes throughout his time at Hogwarts. Here are they ranked from worst to best.
Every teenager is going to go through a bit of phase throughout their life. Hairstyles are a common and very frequent phase that we have all probably gone through. Harry Potter went through a different hairstyle each year he was at Hogwarts, as if he thought, “new year, new hairstyle.”
To be fair, Harry was not alone. Ron had some pretty interesting hairstyles as well. They were sometimes more over the top than what Harry had. However, we will look at Ron and his fabulous hair another day, today it is all about Harry.
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So here we go, ranking the many hairstyles of Harry Potter from worst to best.
8. Goblet of Fire
Most people’s favorite book and movie, Harry’s do’ during this movie is somewhat of a travesty. Many of us went through a long hair phase in our lives, but this is taking it to a new level. Ron’s hair too!
Harry is just discovering his attraction to women (Cho Chang), and decides to rock the flow during his fourth year at Hogwarts. Definitely Harry’s worst look throughout the series.
Image courtesy of Warner Brothers
7. Sorcerer’s Stone
The classic bowl cut, the nostalgia it brings back. Although Harry is too old to be wearing a bowl of hair on his head, it ranks so low because it doesn’t fit what Harry’s supposed to look like.
The hair is far too organized for how J.K had envisioned it. The description of his hair is constantly messy, sticking up a different spots that couldn’t be combed down.
Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc
6. Deathly Hallows Part 1
In this movie, Hermione tells Harry that she shouldn’t have cut his hair. He has the beginnings of a mullet. If Lily were alive she would be in shock with Harry’s lifestyle choices.
As he has no means to a barber while on the run, I cut Harry some slack. Any fugitive would be struggling with their hair. Have you ever seen a homeless person with an unreal haircut?
Didn’t think so.
Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc
5. Half-Blood Prince
This is simply not his best look. There isn’t much style to his hair on this one. Although Harry was not one to care about his hair, this just won’t cut it. These hair puns are getting out of hand.
Getting Daniel Radcliffe’s hair to look the way J.K. Rowling envisioned is a difficult task. Radcliffe has naturally straight hair, where Harry’s is supposed to look like a bird’s nest. However, Harry does smooch Ginny in this movie, so I could be wrong.
Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc
4. Deathly Hallows Part 2
Again, the hair is just too long, and little too bowl cut-like. Harry’s best hair, and most accurate depiction is when he is dirty from a fight.
A little devil may carry this way, makes Harry’s hair look much better. In this movie, he is bloodied and disheveled a lot, making that frizz and tangle more accurate.
Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc
3. Order of the Phoenix
Let the record stand, this is the best Daniel Radcliffe’s hair looks throughout the movies. In accordance with Harry Potter, and Rowling’s vision for the character, it doesn’t match-up.
Harry goes from long hair, don’t care in Goblet of Fire, to businessman. The cut that Potter sports in this movie makes him look like a true movie star.
Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc
2. Chamber of Secrets
Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban Harry have very similar haircuts. They truly embody what Rowling was thinking when she created the character.
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When Harry is In the Chamber of Secrets, his mop-top is in full force. Dirty, bloody and ragged hair is the ideal look for the boy.
Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
1. Prisoner of Azkaban
In almost every scene, Radcliffe’s hair is messy. The perfect Potter hairdo. During the scene with Buckbeak, Harry’s tie knot is in shambles, and the hair is perfectly frizzy. This is Harry’s punk rock phase, and he nails it!
14-year-old Harry Potter was in his prime.
Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc
Do you agree with this list? Which Harry Potter hairstyle is your favorite? Share what you are thinking by dropping a comment below.