Star Wars: Episode IX will probably have a scene in a ship at some point, which is no surprise, but it’s what J.J. Abrams shared on Twitter.
Star Wars fans have their first bit of on-set news regarding Episode IX. Yes, on the very first day of filming, J.J. Abrams finally posted to a Twitter account he’s had since last year and gave fans just a taste of what’s happening.
Taste is absolutely the right word, too. After all, the shot is carefully positioned so that the camera is in focus and not the set itself, but it looks an awful lot like that’s John Boyega in the shot to the left. We know, after all, that he’s prepared for production, and the hair looks pretty much like it does in Boyega’s own photo. What does look interesting, though, is that Finn (if this is Finn) appears to be sporting a new costume. The jacket’s a different color.
However, there are two other people in the shot, and it doesn’t seem like they’re easily identifiable at first glance. That being said, we have some guesses. As comments on the tweet itself note, the creature on the far left is actually Chewbacca. That just leaves the person on the far right, but where Chewie is … Rey might not be very far behind.
It’s probably the most logical guess, with Rose and Poe being the other likeliest candidates. Some careful zooms by the Culturess squad, though, have led us to conclude that it’s almost certainly Rey — because we think we can see a bit of brunette hair. Fans on Twitter have also commented along the same lines.
Bittersweet starting this next chapter without Carrie, but thanks to an extraordinary cast and crew, we are ready to go. Grateful for @rianjohnson and special thanks to George Lucas for creating this incredible world and beginning a story of which we are lucky to be a part. #IX
— JJ Abrams (@jjabrams) August 1, 2018
What’s your guess for who’s in this photo? Is it Chewie, Finn, and Rey, or has Abrams led us to believe one thing and will surprise us with another by the time the movie arrives in 2019?