The Lost Boy
If you’re tired of being a grown up, the Lost Boy is the perfect drink for you. Based off of Disney’s Peter Pan, this bright green concoction contains Midori, peach Schnapps, and Malibu. You can pour it into a martini glass and add a red gummy (Swedish fish, anyone?) to make it look like Peter Pan’s hat.
Drinking this might not be as effective as flying off to Neverland, but it might make you forget all of your adult problems for a little while at least. And you can even sprinkle some sugar around the edges to make pixie dust!
(Recipe by Cocktails by Cody.)
The Mad Hatter Martini
Whether you’re celebrating an occasion or a very merry unbirthday, the Mad Hatter Martini is the perfect way to spice up any party (especially a tea party). So grab some friends, whip up a few of these, and bask in how “mad” you all are.
The martini is an easy and quick one to make. First, you shake up some vodka, Blue Curacao, and pineapple juice. After a good shake, you pour the martini into a glass and decorate. The creator of the recipe recommends adding corn syrup and shredded coconut to the rim (and that certainly sounds like it’d be delicious).
(Recipe from