What if Harry Potter never actually got to attend Hogwarts?


We know that Harry Potter went to Hogwarts but what if the Dursleys got their way and he never ended up coming to the school we know and love?

The Dursleys did not want Harry Potter to go to Hogwarts. Lily had gone and it caused tension between herself and Petunia so the idea that her son would get to go was not what the legal guardians of Harry James Potter wanted.

Luckily, Dumbledore and friends won out otherwise we never would have seen the magic that was waiting for our favorite wizard. However, what if he never went to the wizarding world? Would it have left Voldemort a seemingly dead being or would his void nature make it easier for the Dark Lord to return?

So much of this series is based on Harry in Hogwarts that it almost seems like it could have been better if he never went to the school. Sure he would have been sent away to that terrible school but once he turned 18, he would have been free without the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Harry has been through so much that it is hard to see which would have been better. Then again, without Hogwarts, he wouldn’t have Hermione and Ron and we’re not sure what kind of man he would have become. So while Hogwarts was filled with terrifying obstacles that almost got him killed, it also made him into the Harry that we know and love.

Who knows who he would have become if he never went to Hogwarts but luckily for us, we don’t have to find out!

Next. Harry Potter is going to be 38 years old this year. dark

Do you think it would have been better for Harry Potter? Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you think!