25 MCU characters and the stores they would totally shop at

Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: INFINITY WARL to R: Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), Bruce Banner/Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Wong (Benedict Wong)Photo: Chuck Zlotnick©Marvel Studios 2018
Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: INFINITY WARL to R: Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), Bruce Banner/Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Wong (Benedict Wong)Photo: Chuck Zlotnick©Marvel Studios 2018 /
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Marvel, MCU characters
Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: INFINITY WARThanos (Josh Brolin)Photo: Film Frame©Marvel Studios 2018 /

Thanos and Kay’s Jewelers

We know that Thanos loves his jewelry so of course, he’d go to Kay’s. Every kiss begins with Kay and that means that Thanos would go get his jewelry from the store, snap, and make sure all the employees that remained gave him it for free.

He’s not the type to care about diamonds and thinks like that but he clearly has an affinity for gold. His outfit is pretty flashy, his gauntlet is gold, so maybe he just likes shiny, metal things? Well, at Kay’s, he can get all the gold he wants and more since he wiped out half of the universe!

With a snap of his fingers, the president of Kay’s jewelers is probably gone but that’s okay, Thanos can just run the jewelry store himself. Or maybe he’d just go in and take everything because Thanos doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would open up a line of credit.

Now, would Thanos want to walk into Kay’s solo? Likely not, as he has plenty of minions who could do that for him. Then again, since the Avengers killed most of them, he’d have to do a lot of his own shopping and, in a mall, Kay’s would be the first place that draws Thanos’ eye.