This anime-style opening for Thor: Ragnarok is perfect on every level


If there’s a way to improve Thor: Ragnarok, it’s by recutting it to be an anime opening sequence and overlaying a great track.

If, somehow, you or someone you know hasn’t seen Thor: Ragnarok, first: why? It’s on Netflix. Second, if you also can appreciate some good video editing and know your way around anime, let the work of No Name Animation convince you it’s time to watch the movie.

Granted, they released the video about two months ago, but it’s starting to gain traction on Twitter as of late. Besides, any time is a good time to highlight the work of a fan, and it’s Thursday. Although Wednesday may be hump day, Thursday is the weird day where things all seem to go a little slower, because it’s almost but not quite Friday.

So, without further ado, just enjoy looking at some of the best shots of Thor: Ragnarok while jamming out to “Rising Hope” by LiSA:

For contrast, the song originally featured as one of the openings to The Irregular at Magic High School:

About the only way this could have been improved — and it’s very arguable that it would have been an improvement — would have been to redraw the scenes in question in an anime style to represent the full aesthetic. After all, the overlay of the text to introduce the actors as well as the song itself basically captures everything, as does waiting until the end to reveal the title of what you’re watching. (For bonus points, the title in Japanese is not Thor: Ragnarok; it’s Mighty Thor: Battle Royale.)

The thing, though, is that just putting the song over a trailer wouldn’t have worked. It takes a certain familiarity with anime openings, which often show the biggest shots possible (and lots of close-ups of the characters) to get you amped up. The movement in shots, the introductions of each character, and everything else works together.

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It’s legitimately impressive on multiple levels, and No Name Animation has asked fans in the comments to suggest another movie that needs this treatment. Let’s just say there are a lot of great suggestions already.