Harry Potter: The most underrated scene!

Every movie has underrated scenes, Harry Potter is no exception, but there is one in particular that really takes the House Cup for most underrated scene!

There are a lot of very underrated scenes in the Harry Potter series. Almost anything that Ron says is under appreciated. You are not unnoticed, Rupert.

The whole uprising of the house elves essentially goes untouched throughout the movie series, also very underrated.

But the most underrated scene in all the books, movies, history etc. etc. is the end of the Chamber of Secrets. Let me set the scene for you.

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The Chamber of Secrets Final Act

Harry’s second most heroic action, behind killing Voldemort, *spoilers*happens when he kills a 100 foot long snake, with a sword no longer than his arm. Harry is pierced by a basilisk fang in the arm trying to save his future boo thang. The venom courses through Harry’s veins, rendering him useless.

Harry is cured of the poison by Fawkes’ antidote tears . Harry takes the fang from his arm, and destroys the first horocrux, at the ripe age of 12.

Fawkes lifts Harry, Ron, Ginny and Professor Lockhart out of the Chamber. The fact that the phoenix can carry four people out of the Chamber of Secrets is crazy. I love magic, and Fawkes is the real MVP.

Harry returns to Dumbledore’s office with the diary. Dumbledore thanks Harry, even though Albus essentially did nothing, despite being the strongest wizard ever. Lucius Malfoy arrives on the scene as a representative for the board of Hogwarts. He’s accompanied by Dobby the house elf. Harry connects all the dots, and figures out that Dobby was just trying to save him.

The Insanity Pursues

As Malfoy and Dobby are leaving Hogwarts, Harry bamboozles good ole Lucius by presenting Dobby with a sock, thus freeing him. EASILY THE MOST OVERLOOKED THING IN THE SERIES HAPPENS NEXT!

Lucius draws his wand and begins to mouth “Avada Kedavra,” the killing curse. This man was willing to risk it all, to get his house elf back. He was going to murder a 13-year-old boy in broad daylight! It’s not like this boy was some nobody in Hufflepuff, we’re talking about the chosen one. The one to vanquish the Dark Lord!

Thank god for Dobby. Everyone talks about how heroic he was in Malfoy manner, when he saves Harry, Ron and Hermione in the Deathly Hallows. Nobody talks about how he saves the entire series by disarming Lucius Malfoy when he is about to murder Harry.

Harry goes on to win the House Cup, the most trivial prize in Hogwarts. He doesn’t even think about how close he was to death by Lucius. Imagine, all that hard work saving Ginny, stopping Tom Riddle, killing a basilisk, and destroying a horcrux, just to be killed by Voldemort’s head lackey?

Next: Harry Potter: The true power of the invisibility cloak!

This is easily the most overlooked scene in all of Harry Potter