Here are 25 movies you should watch if you love the actors from the DCEU!

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Want more alien content in your life? Want that alien content to include Jeremy Renner and Amy Adams? Well, Arrival is the movie for you. When aliens arrive on earth, the government recruits the help of a linguistics professor to try and communicate with them.

Through a series of scenes, the audience is shown her connection to the aliens as well as a seemingly past family that she had prior to the invasion. Everything about the movie is shocking. Whatever you think is happening is a lie and you can’t foresee how the ending really plays out, even if someone tells you what happens before you watch.

Adams gives quite the performance as the professor speaking to the aliens. It is wonderful, interesting, and gives us a look at the world as we know it accepting life on other planets. Arrival was nominated for awards for a reason. There really isn’t a bad thing about the movie; you just have to be prepared for the emotional journey that it is going to take you on.

If you like aliens as much as Adams and her characters both here and in the DCEU seemingly do, this is the movie for you! And who doesn’t love a little Renner in their lives?