Game of Thrones season 8: Hafþór Björnsson has a mountainous tease


Although Hafþór Björnsson didn’t give out any details at all, a new post on social media reveals that his favorite scene is in Game of Thrones season 8.

Less can be more. Granted, that’s not always the case, but when it comes to the Game of Thrones cast talking about season 8, it’s definitely true. The latest example comes from Hafþór Björnsson, better known to us as Gregor Clegane, the Mountain, and also “Ser Robert Strong,” which is still the worst cover name for your undead enforcer.

Opinions aside, though, the fans over at r/freefolk are exulting over a post he made on Instagram as part of a Story where he answered fans’ questions. The post itself is currently still available, but fans already grabbed a screenshot.

Here’s the setup: When asked about his favorite Game of Thrones scene to act in, he didn’t respond with something like the Mountain’s duel with Oberyn Martell in “The Mountain and the Viper,” which would have been perfectly reasonable.

Instead, here’s what he responded:

Hafþór Björnsson’s Instagram (@thorbjornsson). Screenshot by C. Wassenaar.

Talk about proper emoji usage. Naturally, the fans over at r/freefolk are immediately speculating that this could be a reference to the long-hoped-for duel between Sandor Clegane and his older brother (or at least what’s left of him). This isn’t the first time that fans have taken something that’s been said and spun it into hope for the Cleganebowl, though. Even yours truly is guilty of it.

So here’s an alternative theory: since the Mountain is currently based in King’s Landing, who’s to say that he won’t participate in some action we know is happening there? (In the interest of not spoiling too much, we can’t say more here, but we’ve definitely covered it.)

Next: Game of Thrones rumors on second prequel series

Either way, we fully expect to hear what that favorite scene was after the season has aired. Fans, make a note to ask him about it, okay?