Harry Potter and the joy of finding his fame later in his life


We know that Harry Potter didn’t know what is name meant in the wizarding world until he attended Hogwarts. So we’re going to look at why that was a good thing.

Harry Potter didn’t know how famous he was until it was too late. Well, late enough that it didn’t truly go to his head. He was just a kid who didn’t think he was worth anything because of how his family treated him.

So when he suddenly ended up being the most famous wizard at Hogwarts, it was quite the culture shock. However, without that upbringing, I don’t think Harry would have been as selfless as he ended up becoming.

Harry James Potter was always told he was nothing. When he found out that he was something extremely special, it was the first time he felt true happiness. Did he have to have that terrible childhood in order to have these moments? No, but I do believe that if Harry had known of his fame, he wouldn’t have been the kid who was willing to do whatever it takes to protect his friends.

He would die if it meant helping those he cared for. Which makes him a bit of a martyr but it is just in Harry’s blood. His father was also fiercely loyal to his friends and would do anything for them so it isn’t really surprising that Harry is the same way.

Between not knowing of his fame, finding friends who didn’t care, and knowing what he had to do, Harry ended up becoming quite the brave boy and we love him for it.

Next: The Marauders Map: The mischief is alive in everyone

So was it a good thing that Harry didn’t know of his own fame? Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you think!