25 movies with The Last Jedi actors you should definitely watch

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Paterson (Adam Driver)

Paterson is one of those indie movies that you probably saw a trailer for and said, “eh, it’s okay, I don’t need to see that”. You’d be very wrong but the sentiment isn’t lost. The trailer for this movie makes it seem artsy and weird and not like something that anyone could enjoy.

In actuality, it is so cute and funny and shows a completely different side to Adam Driver yet again. How many sides does he have exactly? Who knows, he’s constantly changing and becoming this amazing character in every movie he does.

Paterson, who is a bus driver in Paterson, wants to be a poet but he doesn’t really let others in on his writing. He’s very content in his run of the mill life. He fights with a dog, who eventually eats his work, and his girlfriend is kind of demanding in a weird way.

But through all of that, he finds peace in his work and in the beautiful town of Paterson, New Jersey. Truth be told, the movie is just cute. Sometimes you just need a cute movie to make you smile and brighten your day.

And Paterson is definitely one of those movies. Plus there’s a cute dog in the movie so it is a win-win scenario.