25 movies with The Last Jedi actors you should definitely watch

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The Blues Brothers (Carrie Fisher)

Carrie Fisher’s biggest moments in film have been with the Star Wars franchise, but this isn’t to say she hasn’t been in anything else, ever. She wrote a lot of our favorite movies (as a ghostwriter) and is obviously Princess Leia Organa who became the general we all needed in our lives.

That being said, she does play quite an awesome role in The Blues Brothers. There is a mysterious woman who seems to be following them around and, in the end, watching little Carrie Fisher shoot at them with a machine gun is kind of funny to see.

The movie is based on the Blue Brothers, a Saturday Night Live bit that has become iconic throughout the years. It is just like watching an extended sketch but it is Carrie that really makes this movie wild.

She comes out of nowhere and, at the time, she wasn’t really Carrie Fisher yet. Now, obviously, we see her and instantly know that it is Carrie Fisher. It is a little bittersweet to watch with her passing but still, seeing a young and vibrant Carrie on our screens once more is a nice remembrance of the woman she was.

Carrie Fisher is one of the greatest out there and we miss her more and more every day.