25 amazing fan art images from the Marvel Cinematic Universe

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5. 1940s Bucky Barnes by Saulance

This is selfish and I’m sorry but 1940s Bucky Barnes is the best version of Bucky and, really, any character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A man who was willing to throw himself into battle, against his true desires, simply because it was the right thing to do is a man we should all admire. He would give himself up for his country, his family and, most importantly, his best friend.

That initial Bucky Barnes is maybe one of the reasons we all love him so much. He was willing to sacrifice so much and he suffered because of it. So when he showed back up as the Winter Soldier, we all wanted to protect him.

All that being said, this artist really captures the innocence that James Buchanan Barnes has in that first film. He’s just trying to do what is right and he is so happy to put himself on the line to do it.

Clearly, there is something about this Bucky Barnes that we love. He’s so special to us and we rarely see artists capture the first version of Bucky that we fell in love with. 1940s Bucky Barnes is a special bread and to see him drawn in this beautiful way is amazing.