25 iconic Jurassic Park moments that we will never forget

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20. Life…uh…finds a way

Think about Jurassic Park and then think about the quote that you remember most from it. It’s Dr. Ian Malcolm’s, right? Well, it should be. The iconic quote has been repeated to Jeff Goldblum for years because of his iconic pause and delivery.

The scene is also maybe one of the more important for the growth of the series. Alan, Ian, and Ellie are all told about the dinosaurs they are creating. The idea is that if the dinosaurs are all females, they don’t run the risk of overpopulation in the park.

Clearly, there is going to be a mishap because, again, this series is filled with foreshadowing. But this quote means more than just the idea that something goes wrong. “Life, uh, finds a way,” is indicating that no matter what, life is going to win out. Whether that is our own or that of the dinosaurs, there is going to be some fight to survive.

Life indeed finds a way as more dinosaurs definitely do pop up, with Alan finding some eggs out in the wild during the first film to confirm it.