25 iconic Jurassic Park moments that we will never forget

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10. Malcolm in the back of a car

It seems as if everyone is safe from the T-Rex for a while, she runs off after killing the lawyer and almost murdering Alan, Lex, Tim, and Ian. After Alan and the kids are seemingly safe, Ellie shows up to try and get everyone back to the welcome center.

While she finds Ian Malcolm and gets him on a car, Ian starts to hear something. Ellie is busy trying to find where Alan and the kids have run off to and, in that time, the T-Rex has returned and is ready to fight them some more.

Ian quickly tells everyone to get in the car and, for a few moments, it is absolutely terrifying. The car isn’t moving fast enough, there are too many people and there’s a moment when Ian makes it impossible for them to shift gears. Luckily, the T-Rex doesn’t get to them.

Otherwise, those three would have died in the car and we wouldn’t have some pretty amazing scenes later in the movie. Maybe these parks should make cars that can go faster in case a T-Rex is following them and people have to make a quick getaway.