12. I Wanna Marry Harry
What it is: A dating show in which several dozen American women thought they were competing for Prince Harry. They were not, in fact, fighting for him, but a look alike trained to deceive them into thinking he was the real deal. The show originally aired on FOX, but was cancelled and pulled from the air after only four episodes.
The yuck factor: Pretty darn high. For one, the women are kept in the dark about who they are really pursuing and why they were even there. The women are framed as gold-diggers, looking to cash in with a royal husband. Although they weren’t explicitly told he was the Prince of England, they were definitely led to believe he was by the close resemblance of the bachelor in question, Matthew Hicks. However, the lead allegedly told women in private that he was the prince after all. That’s pretty awful, right there.
Additionally, it’s designed to make these American women look endlessly foolish, which they probably could have done all on their own. They didn’t need the extra push to act like classless savages, and they wound up sinking to the lowest common denominator, making the audience feel fooled as well.
Where and how: Even though FOX pulled the last fourth episodes from airing, they are still available on YouTube right now.