Natalie Portman is totally down to meet her Star Wars son, Mark Hamill


Mark Hamill tweeted that he never met his big-screen mom, Natalie Portman. Portman heard about it, and she wants that to change.

Star Wars is a total space soap opera with tons of Skywalker family drama, but who knew those dramatics would apply to them in the real world? The great Luke Skywalker never met his mother, Padmé! Well, at least in real life. But that could soon change.

While on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert Thursday, Colbert showed Portman the Mark Hamill tweet saying that he’s never met her before.

It was a bit of a shock for all fans because the prequels took place almost 20 years ago. That’s plenty of time to meet your space mother, no? Apparently not.

So in response to the tweet, Portman showed nothing but enthusiasm to meet her special boy in real life.

“I would love to meet him,” Portman said on the show. “Mark, I’d love to meet you. Where are you? Come over!”

Then, like any mom would do, she grilled Hamill for not officially wishing her a happy birthday on her special day. Maybe the rules up in space are different, but a good son should always call his mom on her birthday.

But don’t let Portman… or Padmé think of herself as a bad mom. She did get to meet her real-life space daughter, Carrie Fisher. So at least one of the twins was appreciative of their mother.

A few years ago, Fisher even acknowledged in a tweet that the Star Wars-equivalent of her mom would, of course, be Natalie Portman. We know she had love for her real mother, Debbie Reynolds, but when you have a big heart like Fisher’s, there’s a lot of love to go around.

So, it looks like good things are in store for the Skywalker clan… at least in real life on planet Earth. You can check out Portman’s excitement to meet Hamill in the interview below:

Related Story: 6 iconic Star Wars women, from Carrie Fisher to Natalie Portman

Now, hopefully Portman and Hamill can spend a nice outing as mother and son should. Father’s Day is coming up, so maybe that’ll be a good time for them to remember Anakin as well. They should totally call Hayden Christensen to bring him in on it!