It seems as though Game of Thrones season 8 might have one or two more surprises left in store for its production. What do these new photos mean?
Warning: Game of Thrones season 8 set photos do count as spoilers, especially when they show off some major changes.
Are we going to have to start referring to the White Keep as opposed to the Red Keep at some point in season 8 of Game of Thrones? Well, maybe, or maybe not. But the possibility now exists, and just saying that seems a little strange.
Despite the oddity, though, we’ll dig into it. Let’s get to some photos.
Some of these come from the end of last week on r/freefolk, but it seems that things really haven’t changed much as of this Monday.
Of course, the all-white painting might just mean that it’s getting refinished and won’t stay white. Here’s some of the other speculation from fans in the replies:
Now, Joe Weaver’s speculation might just end up being accurate. After all, we know that King’s Landing is in for a rough time of it. Whoever ends up with the city and the seven kingdoms might need to build a new keep — and possibly a new throne to go with it.
However, we can’t be completely sure that that’s exactly what’s going on. The other photo from A Red Priestess, above, shows that the destroyed towers remain destroyed. It’s possible that the wall of the castle that we’ve been calling the Keep will be repainted for some damaged viewing; or it’ll be entirely blackened.
Additionally, GoTLike Locations has a photo showing some of what’s going on inside the Paint Hall:
Really, there’s a lot of possibility here. This is definitely something to keep an eye on; it also seems like the show hasn’t actually wrapped yet, per a crewmember’s Instagram.
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What’s Game of Thrones without a last few mysteries for spoilers fans?