20 essential songs for your Pride Month playlist

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“Dancing On My Own” by Robyn

While Pride may be all fun and games to you, sometimes it’s a little more difficult for others. We’re all human, and humans get sad. Thanks to Robyn, we have a dance track perfect for those occasions when you’re a little sad, but you just have to dance the pain away.

Robyn is the queen of sad pop. “Dancing On My Own” may be a bop, but if you listen to the lyrics, it’s about someone watching the love of their life kiss someone else, while they struggle by themselves in the corner. Unrequited love is 100 percent gay culture; how many members of the LGBTQ community have had to stand by and watch while someone they’re secretly pinning over kisses someone else?

While the song should make us sad, the production of this masterpiece makes it impossible to just stand there and be depressed in silence. It might give you some serious feels, but you still can’t help but dance along through your tears.

It’s Pride season, there may be some tears (especially when there’s alcohol involved) but don’t let that put a damper on your fun! If Robyn can channel her heartbreak into a certified gay anthem, then you can channel yours into having a blast and losing your inhibitions. Pride is about overcoming all kinds of things, so don’t let whatever is bothering you define your summer activities.

If somebody suggests putting a certain cover version of this song on the playlist, you need to stop talking to that person immediately. Robyn’s version is the only version that matters, and that is a fact.