MARVEL’S CLOAK & DAGGER – Freeform’s “Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger” stars Aubrey Joseph as Tyrone Johnson/Cloak and Olivia Holt as Tandy Bowen/Dagger. (Freeform/Alfonso Bresciani)
The premiere of Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger packs a punch. See how our duo gained their powers and how their worlds keep pulling them back to each other.
Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger premiered on Freeform and this week, we got two episodes back-to-back. And with game five of the Stanley Cup Finals also on at the same time, which will be more entertaining?
Not-So-Short Summary and Analysis
The entire opening section gives us the origin of how Tandy and Tyrone got their powers. Both are in the proximity of a Roxxon ocean rig collapsing and blasting out a mysterious light. Tandy’s father crashes their car off a bridge while Ty and his brother run away from the cops. His brother gets shot and Ty dives in after him.
It’s definitely a bleak origin, and the show takes off from there, showing both kids years later. Tandy’s flirting around and stealing from rich kids after drugging them and Ty just wants the refs to call some darn penalties in his basketball game.
MARVEL’S CLOAK & DAGGER – “First Light” – Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger is the story of Tandy Bowen and Tyrone JohnsonÐ two teenagers from very different backgrounds, who find themselves burdened and awakened to newly acquired superpowers which are mysteriously linked to one another. (Freeform/Alfonso Bresciani)
The show draws out all the differences between them from the start and draws back into their similarities. Ty lives in a modest home with his parents. Tandy lives in an abandoned church, snorting stolen pills. They’re both broken in their own ways, and both go to music to escape.
They meet up at a party where Tandy pickpockets him and their powers come to light (pun intended). Unfortunately, the meeting doesn’t last long, as neither knows what to do and realize they may have met once before.
Tyrone wakes up the next morning on top of the Roxxon Corporation building. He also runs into the cop who shot his brother. Meanwhile, Tandy gets a taste of her own powers. Her mom touches her hand and launches her to her happy place, for lack of a better word: Tandy’s ballet studio, with their father.
We also get a heart-to-heart moment between Ty and his mom and the unspoken weight of his brother’s death. It only lasts maybe thirty seconds, but it leaves an impact.
This first episode ends with a flashback to after both of their life-changing evenings. Tandy making her first dagger with impeccable timing. Ty takes his first person to the dark realm, and it just happens to be the cop that killed his brother.
Badass Moment of the Episode
Ty teleporting from the pile of trash bags to his room was pretty awesome. I mean, aside from his computer taking a bullet.
Best One-Liner
“…Crazy white girl?” Ty asks after she freaks out in the cemetery.
But the fun doesn’t stop here!