20 best moments from Sex and the City

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“Maybe we can be each other’s soulmates.” (“The Agony and the Ex-tacy”)

If it wasn’t obvious already, our favorite thing about Sex and the City is the close bond Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha share. Your friends should be the most important people in your life. Men may come and go, but your friends are always there for you. And in this moment from season 4, Charlotte put it perfectly.

Carrie feels down because nobody showed up at her birthday party. She realizes that at 35, she was alone and didn’t have a man in her life to make her feel better. Even though she hated saying it out loud, she felt sad to not have a man in her life to make her feel special, no “soulmate”.

At the time, Miranda was single, Samantha was, well, Samantha, and Charlotte was separated from her husband, Trey. Carrie definitely wasn’t alone in how she felt. Sometimes you can’t help but feel lonely, even if you’re surrounded by amazing people, because you don’t have a man in your life.

That’s when Charlotte said one of the sweetest quotes from the series that perfectly sums up their friendship: “Don’t laugh at me, but… Maybe we could be each other’s soulmates. And then we could let men be just these great nice guys to have fun with.”

Charlotte is the type of girl who desperately wants the American dream, with a perfect husband and children. Of all people, it’s hard to believe she’s the one to shut down the idea of romantic soulmates. But it’s so touching when we get vulnerable moments like these with all four friends, and that’s why this scene had to be on our list.

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Did we miss any of your favorite Sex and the City moments? Let us know in the comments!