20 best moments from Sex and the City

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Carrie falls on the runway (“The Real Me”)

Carrie Bradshaw may love all things fashion, but she definitely isn’t a model. Writers usually like to stay behind the scenes, but in this episode, Carrie was thrust into the spotlight right there on the runway. And it didn’t end well.

When Carrie runs into an old friend, Lynn, at a bar in Manhattan, she insists Carrie walk in a fashion show she’s producing. She’s hiring models as well as real, famous New Yorkers to walk in the show, but Carrie is hesitant. Lynn doesn’t take no for an answer, and soon enough, Carrie is in a fitting trying on a blue sequined dress by Dolce & Gabbana, and she was in heaven.

Backstage on the day of the fashion show, however, there’s a change of plans. Instead of the gorgeous D&G dress she was supposed to wear, Carrie is now being given a pair of jeweled panties, and nothing else. With her hair pumped up as high as her heels, Carrie works up the confidence to strut her stuff in the jeweled panties, a blue coat, and a black bra.

She falls almost immediately, landing face first on the runway. They send out the next model, Heidi Klum, to try and cover up this huge blunder, and Heidi literally steps over Carrie’s motionless body. How embarrassing, she’s “fashion roadkill” according to Stanford!

But this is Carrie Bradshaw, and she won’t let something like this keep her from being her fabulous self. She gets back up, and makes her way down the runway in only a single shoe, and gets a high five from Heidi Klum herself.