A Star Wars love story: Lando Calrissian and his fashion capes


When it comes to fashion, no one knows more than Lando Calrissian. We find the real love story of Solo: A Star Wars Story is Lando and all the fabulous capes that he wears!

Lando Calrissian knows fashion. From the first moment we saw him in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, we knew that this man was someone who could rock a cape. Little did we know that he loved capes so much so that he basically has one for every day of the week.

For fashion and Lando lovers alike, we pick out our favorite Lando capes from Solo: A Star Wars Story(Warning: Minor spoilers ahead for the film.)

Cape Look 1: Chic, sleek, and solidly Lando

To start, there is the first cape we see in Solo. In the trailer, it is a look that is just his yellow jacket and he adds a black cape to it. So simple, chic. Basically, the classic Lando that we’ve come to love.

Can you resist that smile above? No. And adding a cape into the mix makes it even harder…

Cape Look 2: “Go ahead, pet me” Lando

From there, we have the fur look. Lando appears to help Han and Chewie with the Kessel run and is in a fur jacket that would make anyone jealous. Not only is the fur cape appealing because of the weather, but it is a look that you could probably rock at fashion week and no one would bat an eye.

Cape Look 3: Summertime Lando

But the best look of all? The last time we see Lando. When Han finally wins the Millennium Falcon from Lando, we see Lando on a tropical planet and he is in an all-white outfit with floral decals. His cape, obviously, matches perfectly and the entire look is paired off with Lando’s bravado even though Han has beaten him at his own game.

Basically, the entire movie is just Lando serving looks and everyone else just trying to survive. Can you blame him? Just look at what he has at his disposal in his cape armoire.

How he has all those capes at his disposal is beyond me but hey, none of us are complaining! Lando looked incredible.

Next: Solo: A Star Wars Story just doesn’t fly

You can catch Lando and his fashion sense in Solo: A Star Wars Story in theaters now.