The Mindy Project
Mindy Lahiri says some of the most obsessed and yet relatable things. When the Mindy Project came out people immediately identified with Dr. Lahiri and her basicness, she is all of us, and we are all her. Through the seasons there were so many hilarious lines were said that had us in stitches but when Mindy Lahiri called her warrior name was Beyoncé Pad Thai we all felt her power. Sitting at my desk right now, thinking about it this line has me laughing, and I’m not even watching the episode.
Mindy Lahiri made a lot of us feel empowered. She put a voice to our thought, and it was entertaining as all hell. That’s why this cross stitch is on this list. This homemade cross stitch can be hung on your wall reminding all of us that we have a Beyoncé Pad Thai in all of us. The Etsy shop CrossKitch has stitched the quote “I am a warrior, and my warrior name is Beyoncé Pad Thai” into a cute 7’’ stitch hoop to hang on your wall. It’s perfect for those days where you feel more like an Iggy Azeala Turnup Coleslaw.