Harvey Weinstein arrested on rape charges in New York


Accusations of sexual misconduct against Weinstein resurfaced the Me Too movement.

Harvey Weinstein turned himself into a New York police station Friday morning. The New York Police Department says Weinstein has been “arrested on rape, criminal sex act, sex abuse and sexual misconduct charges for encounters with two women” and that he will be arraigned later Friday.

CNN reports that Weinstein’s bond “is expected to be set at $2 million.”

The criminal sex act charge stems from an allegation by Lucia Evans. She accuses Weinstein of forcing her to perform oral sex during what she thought was a casting call. The rape charge relates to an allegation by a woman who remains anonymous.

Images and video of the disgraced movie producer turning himself into the police have been a long time coming. Eight months in fact. In October 2017, the world learned the dark secret much of Hollywood had kept under wraps.

Harvey Weinstein had sexually harassed and abused women, at times forcing them into sexual situations, including rape. For the women who didn’t cooperate, Weinstein threatened they’d never get a job in entertainment. USA Today published a list of 85 women, which is still developing, all who have accused Weinstein of sexual harassment and assault.

Of the women who have come forward against Weinstein, actress Rose McGowan has been a powerful voice for them and the Me Too movement. On the possibility of Weinstein surrendering to authorities, McGowan told The Hollywood Reporter:

"I, and so many of Harvey Weinstein’s survivors, had given up hope that our rapist would be held accountable by law. Twenty years ago, I swore that I would right this wrong. Today we are one step closer to justice. We were young women who were assaulted by Weinstein and later terrorized by his vast network of complicity. I stand with my fellow survivors. May this give hope to all victims and survivors everywhere that are telling their truths."

Though just two charges are being brought to court today against Weinstein, he has been accused by dozens of women of sexual assault and misconduct. Weinstein is not only under investigation by the New York Police Department, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, the New York Attorney General’s Office. He’s also being investigated for alleged sex crimes by the Los Angeles Police Department and U.K. authorities.

Despite Weinstein having denied any allegations against him, he’s faced a severe reckoning from the Hollywood community. He was kicked out of his production company (which went bankrupt later) and also booted from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science. Ashley Judd is suing him. And his wife and Marchesa co-founder Georgina Chapman left him, though their divorce is not yet finalized.

We will update this story as more information becomes available. Our thoughts are with all of those affected by Harvey Weinstein.