25 shows to watch if you like Riverdale

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Beware folks: this show will get inside your mind and haunt your dreams. Hannibal is a retelling of the infamous story of Hannibal Lecter, and Riverdale pulls a lot of inspiration from its beautiful cinematography and optics.

The premise: A talented FBI profiler enlists the help of famous psychologist Hannibal Lecter, and things take a dangerous and gory turn.

Hannibal befriends the FBI agent, Will Graham, and through their professional partnership, they become very, very close. However, the more they explore the odd case, the more they become intertwined in each other’s psyche. This becomes increasingly complicated as Will unravels and Hannibal is exposed as a alarming and fatal threat.

Why you’ll like: Much like True Detective, Hannibal pulls no punches when it comes to showing the grisly murders. It’s hard not to turn away when the show doesn’t pan away from the mutilated and butchered corpses. However, it’s so beautiful in how it looks and plays that you almost consider the murders part of the aesthetics.

Where to find it: You can watch all three seasons free with your Amazon Prime subscription. It’s so beautiful that you might be tempted to get through all the seasons in a stretch. Don’t. It’s best served in small portions, allowing yourself time to digest in between courses. (You’ll get this joke after you’ve watched it).