25 shows to watch if you like Riverdale

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True Detective

The HBO drama gets down to the nitty gritty of noir TV, but unlike Riverdale, there is not much room for comedic relief in the form of camp or kitsch. It’s dark without much relief from it.

The premise: Two detectives must revisit an old case, and in doing so they must also revisit their demons, both professional and private.

Matthew McConaughey plays the eccentric and philosophical Rust Cole. He’s a loner and and a bit of a weirdo, but throughout his questioning, he’s revealed to be in a lot of emotional pain. His former partner, Martin Hart, played by Woody Harrelson, has a varying recollection of the past events, and through their dueling memories, we get a picture of their problems and struggles.

The case they are investigating is gruesome and disturbing, and the two ultimately solve it.

Why you’ll like it: Honestly, you might not. It’s truly not for everyone’s sensibilities.  hen I say it’s gruesome, that might be a bit of an understatement. The crime they are investigating involves ritualistic murders and mutilation. It’s not for the faint of heart, for sure.

But, if you’re as jaded of a TV watcher as I am, and you can get past all the gore and spookiness, it’s such a meditation on existentialism, individualism and the nature of good and evil. Rust delivers some of the most thrilling and academic musings on the Earth itself, and it will make you feel smarter for having watched it.

Where to find it: It’s an HBO original, so you’ll only be able to watch it on HBOGo. Don’t plan on bingeing it: it’s too much all in one sitting. Also, it’s an anthologized series,so don’t bother with season 2 at all. Trust me on this.