The Russo brothers responded to the Deadpool 2 spoiler letter in the best way possible


The Russo brothers had the perfect response to the Deadpool 2 spoiler letter, and it involved a major aspect of Avengers: Infinity War.

Leading up to the release of Avengers: Infinity War, the Russo brothers, who directed the epic Marvel movie, shared a letter asking that the “greatest fans in the world” not spoil the movie for others.

Deadpool himself saw the spoiler letter from the Russo brothers. As with anything that Deadpool gets his hands on, the Merc with a Mouth decided to have some fun with the Russo brothers’ letter to their fans.

Joining in on the spoiler letter fun, Ryan Reynolds and other members of the Deadpool squad released their own letter to the “greatest fans in the whole universe.”

Avengers: Infinity War was a massive undertaking that is the culmination of a decade of hard work. It makes sense that the filmmakers would want their fans to avoid spoilers. When it comes to Deadpool 2, what we love is the humor falls right in line with the anti-hero’s ability to poke fun at everyone, including himself.

The Russo brothers may still be busy with the whirlwind that is the third Avengers movie. But, clearly, they still had time to find out about Deadpool poking fun at their spoiler letter.

It seems the directors decided to take the fun one step further, and responded in what can only be described as the best way possible. In fact, one might almost say they channeled Deadpool in their response to Reynolds.

In a response to the tweet from Ryan Reynolds’ account sharing the Deadpool 2 spoiler letter, the Russo brothers broke out the Infinity Gauntlet, which looked to be charged and ready for action. With a simple caption of “boom,” the directors let the gauntlet do all the talking for them, by flipping the actor the bird.

Of course, Ryan Reynolds has no problem taking ownership of his Deadpool behavior and quickly responded back with, “I deserve that.”

For fans of Deadpool and Reynolds, it comes as no surprise to see the actor poking fun at other movies, especially other Marvel properties. However, it is certainly fun to see the other directors get in on the action as well. And they were not the only ones, as the fans decided to jump in on the exchange too.

One Twitter user poked fun at the ending of Avengers: Infinity War by showing a picture of fingers snapping next to an image of the Russo brothers, as they seemed to be breaking into pieces.

Another user posted a GIF of Deadpool as he reacted in what I can only describe as “sarcastic shock.”

Related Story: Deadpool mocked the Infinity War directors with a very familiar spoiler warning

Basically what we have is Deadpool versus the Russo brothers in a spoiler letter showdown. I think maybe the directors won this round. Then again, maybe the fans were the real winners?

Avengers: Infinity War is in theaters now, while fans of Deadpool get to see his triumphant return when Deadpool 2 hits theaters on May 18. Hopefully, Neither movie is spoiled for fans who have not seen them yet.