9. Parting advice from Ella’s mother
In the original Cinderella, we never actually meet her mother. All we see is the time after she passed, where Cinderella is dealing with her wicked stepmother. When Disney decided to remake Cinderella as a live action movie, this was a key change in the story.
In this version, we only know Ella’s mother for a short time, but we absolutely fall in love with her. She’s spirited and loving and passionate about her family. Hayley Atwell was the perfect choice for the character.
But the movie had to stay true to the story, and unfortunately, Ella’s mother had to die.
Before she does, she leaves Ella with a pearl of wisdom: Have courage, and be kind. The concept became a sort of mantra for Ella through life and has become a favorite for Disney fans. It’s an absolutely heartbreaking moment, but arguably the most important of the movie.
The person Ella became was largely shaped by that moment. She carried her mother with her always, never sinking to cruelty. Even during her stepmother’s harshest moments, Ella kept her promise.
That single minute of film is one of Disney’s best mother/daughter moments to date, with hopefully more to come.