6. Riley’s Mom tries new lingo
Every kid knows what it’s like when a parent tries to use modern slang. It’s awkward and mildly horrifying, but funny too. It was the perfect situation to explore in the Inside Out short film, “Riley’s First Date.”
As Riley gears up to head out with Jordan, her mom just wants to understand what’s going on and be a part of it. A first date is a big moment after all. She tosses out an “O.M.G,” and “awesomesauce” and even gets bold adding in a “fo’ sheazy.”
It makes for hilarious banter amongst Riley’s emotions and is a familiar scenario to any real-life mother and daughter. It’s the kind of awkward moment you look back on and laugh at, but make sure never happens again.
Riley and her mom were close all through Inside Out, but the few interactions audiences saw between them were mostly somber moments. This was a good change of pace for them, and shows what they’re like when things are “normal.”
Most mother/daughter moments in Disney movies tug at the heartstrings in one way or another. This one hits the funny bone and is a welcome sprinkle of variety, particularly in Disney’s animated films.