20 pieces of trivia you need to know about Star Wars

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Meryl Streep auditioned for Leia

Women, unfortunately, are a rather rare breed in Star Wars, though what they lack in numbers they make up for in fierceness. In the original trilogy, there are just three female speaking roles: Luke’s Aunt Beru, Princess Leia and leader of the resistance Mon Mothma. Aunt Beru may have been gone too soon, but Leia and Mon Mothma certainly showed the Empire what they were made of — namely, steel.

As we saw in the previous slide, Lucas considered changing Luke into a woman, such was his concern over the lack of women. I mean, he could have just put … more women in it? More female pilots, more lady Empire lackeys; all would be welcome. But you know, make Luke a woman instead. Sure.

But whatever shortcomings Lucas had when it came to the representation of women, we still have to thank him for Princess Leia, one of the greatest heroines of sci-fi the world has ever seen. What would we all be without her? Someone has to save our skins!

Of course, Leia wouldn’t be the woman we know and love without the input of Carrie Fisher, who played her with equal strength and kindness. She fought off many other actresses for the role, including Glenn Close, Geena Davis, Anjelica Huston and Meryl Streep — to name but a few.

In the scripts used for audition readings, Leia’s home planet Alderaan was called Organa Major, which you’ll now recognize as Leia’s surname and that of her adoptive family.

R.I.P. Bail and co.