20 pieces of trivia you need to know about Star Wars

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Mark Hamill makes a secret cameo in The Last Jedi

Mark Hamill is a versatile actor. We’ve all known this for years. He is extremely well-known for his voice work, particularly as the Joker in the animated Batman cartoons, and who knows if a lesser actor could pull off the tank top/small wizened green Jedi ensemble?

It may come as no surprise then that, given this versatility, Luke is not the only character Hamill plays in Star Wars.

In fact, Entertainment Weekly reported that the actor asked to play a CG character, since he had done it before for the computer game “Star Citizen” (which sounds like a Star Wars version of Parks and Recreation to us but who are we to say?).

But though Hamill was reluctant to reveal the name of his character, since he liked “playing the mystery of it all”, fans got their answer from Lucasfilm story executive Pablo Hildalgo, who used Twitter to point them to Dobbu Scay, according to ScreenRant.

For those who don’t know, that’s the character in Canto Bight who tries to slip coins into poor BB-8. But hey, it ended well, when BB-8 used the coins as weapons, so really Scay is classic Hamill, always saving the day.

Carrie Fisher’s dog Gary also appears in the casino section of the movie. When Finn and Rose are talking, he can be seen on the left side of the screen beneath the man in the black fez.

We should hardly be surprised given his owner, but seriously, name one dog as iconic as Gary. We’ll wait.